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Friday, April 26, 2013

So... I am writing a childrens book. Here's my first draft. Don't laugh, It took me a while.

This is monster school. Where all the little monsters go during the day. Everyday all the little monsters have fun learning. Bigfoot Jr. always has something awesome to share at circle time. During arts and crafts, Tessie, makes the most beautiful art. Frankie is the best during game time. And Mothboy plays hide-and-seek like no one else, during recess. Today Mrs. Banshee says she has a surprise for all the little monsters.
“What is it!?”, all of them ask in unison to their teacher.
“I have someone I’d like all of you to meet.”, she says. Mrs. Banshee moves aside to reveal a wet, slimy, smelly, monster. “This is Little Swamp.”, she said. “Say hello to your new classmate.”
But the other little monsters didn’t want to say hello to Little Swamp. Throughout the day Little Swamp stayed away from the other little monsters. During circle time, Little Swamp didn’t have anything to show. During arts and crafts, Little Swamp only made a mess. During game time, Little Swamp ruined the game board.
All the little monsters were starting to not like Little Swamp even more. During recess, Mothboy saw that Little Swamp was sitting all by himself. Mothboy walked over to Little Swamp Thing.
“Why are you all alone?”, he asked.
“No one wants to play with me.”, Little Swamp said.
“I’ll play with you.”, said Mothboy, “Come and play hide-and-seek with me.”
And so Little Swamp went to play hide-and-seek, with Mothboy and the others. When it was Little Swamp’s turn to hide, no one could ever find him. All the little monsters searched and searched until finally, when recess was over, Little Swamp came out.
“Where were you hiding!?”, all the little monsters exclaimed.
“I was using my camouflage.”, Little Swamp said proudly, pointing to his body.
“Wow! Cool!”, the monsters shouted excitedly.
From that moment on, all of the little monsters played with Little Swamp.

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