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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

STAR WARS 7!!!!!!

Soooo......the word on the street is that there is going to be a third trilogy of Star Wars Movies. Thus making Star Wars a trilogy of trilogies. Anyway, being a big fan of Star Wars I am really looking forward to how this is accomplished. Most importantly what will be the next movie trilogy's story line? There has been speculation that the next Star Wars films will include an original story. There are also rumors of a female protagonist as the main character. Personally, I hope that they stick to the story already made for them within the books and comics. For those of you who aren't Star Wars buffs, let me give you a quick briefing. Basically, after the destruction of the Empire and the formation of the New Galactic Republic, the second in command to Tarkin ( the old guy who blows up Alderaan), Grand Admiral Thrawn assembles the last remnants of the Imperial forces as well as a clone of an old jedi master and attempts to retake control of the galaxy. Of course he is defeated (I won't reveal how :P ), but following this a whole bunch of things happen: the spirit of Darth Sideous a.k.a the Emperor, takes control of a clone of himself and builds up an army attempting to destroy the new republic and take control of a young force sensitive being (because his power makes the clones deteriorate to quickly). And eventually the mysterious and deadly Yuuzhan Vong invade and well.... they bring on the pain for everyone. Besides that there are a few other spoilers that I could mention. (But I won't) Anyway that is pretty much want I would like to see on the big screen. Although in order to do all of that it would probably take ANOTHER TWO TRILOGIES.....which I don't think will, well.......If you have any questions about Star Wars or have any thoughts on what would like to see in the next three movies, please, feel free to post a comment.

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