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Thursday, January 31, 2013

STAR WARS 7!!!! (part two)

In reference to my last post about Star Wars, here is a quick look at some of the characters I mentioned....
Grand Admiral Thrawn

Possible female protaginist: Jaina Solo

Another possible female protaginist: Mara Jade

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

STAR WARS 7!!!!!!

Soooo......the word on the street is that there is going to be a third trilogy of Star Wars Movies. Thus making Star Wars a trilogy of trilogies. Anyway, being a big fan of Star Wars I am really looking forward to how this is accomplished. Most importantly what will be the next movie trilogy's story line? There has been speculation that the next Star Wars films will include an original story. There are also rumors of a female protagonist as the main character. Personally, I hope that they stick to the story already made for them within the books and comics. For those of you who aren't Star Wars buffs, let me give you a quick briefing. Basically, after the destruction of the Empire and the formation of the New Galactic Republic, the second in command to Tarkin ( the old guy who blows up Alderaan), Grand Admiral Thrawn assembles the last remnants of the Imperial forces as well as a clone of an old jedi master and attempts to retake control of the galaxy. Of course he is defeated (I won't reveal how :P ), but following this a whole bunch of things happen: the spirit of Darth Sideous a.k.a the Emperor, takes control of a clone of himself and builds up an army attempting to destroy the new republic and take control of a young force sensitive being (because his power makes the clones deteriorate to quickly). And eventually the mysterious and deadly Yuuzhan Vong invade and well.... they bring on the pain for everyone. Besides that there are a few other spoilers that I could mention. (But I won't) Anyway that is pretty much want I would like to see on the big screen. Although in order to do all of that it would probably take ANOTHER TWO TRILOGIES.....which I don't think will, well.......If you have any questions about Star Wars or have any thoughts on what would like to see in the next three movies, please, feel free to post a comment.

Monday, January 28, 2013




Have you ever wondered why you are who you are? Many times in my life, I've asked myself why I am who I am.
Why am I not someone else?
Why am I not an animal, some form of vegetation???
What is the reason for me being me? 
Obviously from my perspective this existence is my life, but in the eyes of all others this is their life, his life, her life, your life. But in reality it isn't truly any one individual’s life but a large plan of existence that we all share. Everything we do... everything anything does has an impact on the entire universe, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. With that being said what is the reason for us being who we are? All of us are chosen to be who we are. I am who I am. You are who you are. And it is our duty as ourselves to fulfill our destiny, whatever it may be. Although we may not know exactly what that is.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Since the dawn of ancient civilization, humanity has striven for perfection. Physical perfection, mental perfection, perfection in society, perfection in science, perfection in numbers, and so on. The oldest definition of "perfection" comes from the philosopher, Aristotle. Aristotle said that if something were to be perfect it would be absolutely complete, it would be so good to the degree that nothing like it could ever be better, and above all it will have attained its ultimate purpose. Now I don’t know anything about people that could fit that description. In fact I don’t think anyone can.  
The human race has always been striving for its best, evolving, overcoming obstacles, and succeeding where its past generations have failed. The many people who've overcome these obstacles would say that they’re the best at what they do. Yet they strive to become even greater. When I achieve a great feat, I feel as though I could do much better, just as many others do once they have achieved a goal of their own. In reaching for perfection time and time again we come closer every time. Though, we eventually fall short at our best.
My girlfriend has a low self esteem. Now, I love her more than anything, but when she goes on and on about her appearance….I just can’t stand for it!!! She is incredibly beautiful, but she will never realize it because she believes she isn't perfect. And why? Because she doesn't understand the truth about perfection.
At the realization of our maximum output we become distressed. As humans we all want to be the best and knowing that we can only take ourselves so far can sometimes be unhelpful.  My girlfriend is a prime example. Fortunately for her, I've come to the grand realization of perfection.  
It’s already here.
It’s always been here right in front of us. I believe that as humans it is natural that we are to be flawed. So it is only reasonable that as a human being you, I or anyone else will only brush at the doormat at the great gates of perfection. But, in our inability to achieve perfection, we continue to strive for it. Eventually reaching our maximum potential and setting the bar for our successors.
In doing so, (in a way) we go beyond perfection by continuing to evolve and achieving what perfection would stop at. In being flawed and without perfection, we are perfect. We will never stop changing. We will never be absolutely complete. We will always be out done and made proud by the future generations, who’ll take our achievements and increase them tenfold. But most importantly and above all we will reach or purpose as a society. And that purpose is to go beyond perfection.     

Old writing I found from last semester

Hey there!! I found this writing from senior-composition that I wrote last semester and I decided  that I should post it. you go....
This semester I’ve learned a lot of things. Some of these things were good, others… not so much. Things I already knew, that I didn’t pay attention to. Well, first things first. I’ve learned (a little too late) that I shouldn’t put things off so much. I’ve always put stuff off in the past, and I’ve always been a bit of a procrastinator but that never really had an affect on me like it has this semester. This semester I am failing the majority of my grades and I am not proud of it, but it is what it is.
I can’t change the past, but I can learn from it. I’ve always been a good student, usually getting As’, Bs’ and a few Cs’ here and there. This year… well I’ve already spoken on that. What’s funny is that I expected everything to be easy. And for the most part it was. Granted, there were two classes I just wasn’t good at. The rest I shouldn’t have been doing that horrid. Then again I didn’t really have any support. Even in school friendship is extraordinarily important. Being new I didn’t really know anyone. (I’m kind of shy) I never really knew who to look for in regards to asking peers for help, study partners and stuff like that. Looking back on Germany, my friends and I kind of helped each other along in our subjects.
Of course, I have friends now. Unfortunately, I still miss everyone back in Vilseck. Life is better when you’re surrounded by the ones you hold close (which even rings true for quiet loners, like me). For the past few months this couldn’t be any clearer to me. Especially when my girlfriend flew here, on my birthday, to surprise me (and boy was I surprised).
In regards to my grades in this class I am most certainly surprised. Or, well… I comfort myself by being surprised (there is real surprise to an extent). I think I’m a pretty good writer, although I have lots of areas that I could polish. Despite my good writing skills, due to my procrastination, a lot of neglected class work, and late essays, my grade kind of fumbled. I do think I worked hard in this class… just not as hard or as seriously as some of my peers (shame on me). So I don’t think my percentage is a really fair representation of my skill (unless I really am full of myself). I’d say I’m good at writing I just need to put more time into my pieces (and my overall work output).
When it comes to revising an essay, I find that voice, organization, and word choice are extremely important. Obviously, voice is important to me. I write like I speak or how I would like my piece to be read. When revising an essay I look to see if the writing catches my attention, sounds good, and is overall enjoyable or emotional depending on what you’re going for. In an essay organization is key. I need to brush up on my organization skills (I think), but in an essay I like everything to flow from paragraph to paragraph all the way to the end (like a good movie).  As for word choice, I like seeing an essay that uses the English language to its fullest. Of, course you don’t want to sound like a know-it-all in all of your writing, but you don’t want to be repeating the same words over and over again (like I am with “of course”).
For me writing is like kissing my girlfriend. Every time it (it being a writing that I am working on) takes a while to pick up speed and really get into it. Sometimes it’s deep and emotional. Other times it’s euphoric and happy. I like putting passion into it and making it perfect. At times it’s short and sweet, though it can also be long and drawn out.  Like when I kiss my girl, my writing can draw out the emotions of others. And just like when I kiss my girl, I always have trouble bringing it to an end.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Thanks to two viewers in Germany my blog is now INTERNATIONAL!!!! BOOYAH!!!!.....ok I know its just two viewers, but still... INTERNATIONAL!!!! BOOYAH!!!!


YO!! If you want the perfect entertainment of talking to absolute strangers go to the "Talk to a Stranger" link in my unfinished list of groovy websites.
Yammy taking a well-deserved beating

 Rebel: I'm gonna get em'!! I'm gonna get em'!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yesterday, I was thinking.... what would I do in the event of a zombie apocalypse?...... Well, my first reaction would be finding my girlfriend. But then what about my family? They probably wouldn't want to travel all the way to New Hampshire from Indiana in the middle of such a situation. I'd be forced to separate with them. It would be very dangerous on the road.....for one, I don’t know how to drive I don’t think learning on a highway obstacle course would be a good idea. So I'd either be biking or walking.... or I could just jack an electric scooter or a moped. (Hey! If the left it there during a zombie out brake I don't think they'll be coming back for it....) Well, anyway the journey lasts about 14 hours by car. (CAR!!) So I’m estimating that it would take me a few days to get there. Maybe even weeks. Depending on the undead population in the areas I'd be traveling in I would have to be careful. Stealth would be of the highest importance. With no knowledge of where I'd be able to acquire fire-arms I'd be reduced to using melee weapons.(baseball bats, knives, machetes....etc..) A very risky operation when in a (not-so-)party of one. Of course I could always find something useful in the city. But I'm too chicken to risk it on my own. There would be so much staked against me....not to mention there could always be the possibility that she would've turned or left by the time I got there. Oh, well.....knowing me I'm pretty confident that I'd make it there (as long as a hoard doesn't come by).  Though after I've found my (hopefully still alive) girlfriend, what next?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Well, it looks like my creative writing class wants me to write something on my blog within the next 15 minutes. Unfortunately I have no idea as to what i should be writing about.’s a topic of interest that I came across. I DO NOT know the validity of what is being said......but apparently the school shooting that took place in Connecticut was a hoax orchestrated by the government with actor witnesses and real victims for a scapegoat to shoot. This conspiracy has also been linked to the theatre shooting that took place during a showing of the third Batman movie. What do these two incidents have in common? Two average students wind up with BLACK-OPS LEVEL WEAPONS and both of the shooters fathers just so happen to be part of a major international bank (that is currently under the scrutiny of a scandal). Why would the government do this? Perhaps to kill two birds with one stone? To put pressure on this already pressured international bank, to conveniently cause a spearheaded movement towards the notion of un-small arms, and all while putting the blame on two scapegoats. Is the government truly behind this? Maybe. Maybe not. What so ever the case the entire story is quite "fishy" and we are left in the dark with many things (not to mention the constant change of what was happening as the situation took place and the "un-"interview of a "father" laughing on camera). I don’t know what to believe, but there are certainly signs of foul play going on here.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ok. So I was prompted to read a story about a mother’s wisdom in showing her daughter how a carrot, an egg, and some coffee faired against a pot of boiling water. Afterwards I was given the question of which one I was.

“Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.”

What say I to this. I say I am a definitely a hybrid of carrot/coffee. I don’t believe anyone would buy me though…. ANYWAY. I say this simply because when hardships come into my life. I usually handle whatever comes my way pretty well. Although, I will bend a little and might become depresso for a while depending on the severity of the situation at hand. I would write more, but I don’t want to sound cheesy. Mmmm……cheese